The Profit Scale

How to Find and Navigate Corporate Sales Opportunities with Katherine Isaac - Ep. #35

Episode Summary

Have you heard the expression straight from the horse's mouth? Well that saying perfectly characterizes today’s conversation with Katherine Isaac as we hear directly from a corporate decision-maker on all things hiring vendors. Our guest, Kathy, is the Vice President of Customer Success at Carbide and has had more than her fair share of experience hiring vendors throughout her career. In today’s episode, she shares her insights on how value is defined within the sales process, where to find corporate opportunities, red flags to avoid when networking with decision-makers and so much more! You’re gonna want to take notes, my friend. So hit play and settle in — let’s get started.

Episode Notes

🎯 Top takeaways from today's episode: 

  1. The prospect is the one that defines value — take the time to understand what value means for them.
  2. Network, network, network! B2B opportunities are created by expanding and deepening your relationships and network. Make it a priority. 
  3. When reaching out to decision-makers, be clear on why you’re reaching out, and know what your ‘ask’ is.

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