The Profit Scale

Coming Soon: The Profit Scale With RJ Connell! #NoCoinLeftBehind

Episode Summary

Salutations friend and welcome to THE podcast you've been searching for! If you're an online coach, consultant or creative, then let me tell you what you can expect from The Profit Scale, so you know how this podcast is going to help you collect #allthecoins!

Episode Notes

Salutations friend and welcome to THE podcast you've been searching for! If you're an online coach, consultant or creative, then let me tell you what you can expect from The Profit Scale, so you know how this podcast is going to help you collect #allthecoins! Around here, we talk about pricing, profitability, client retention and scaling your business! What's make this podcast different, is I don't focus on the sales, I focus on what you do before and after the sale, so that you're set up to collect #allthecoins!

These strategies will help you grow your business further, and faster! If you never want to miss an episode, AND you want the inside scoop on resources to help you grow, increase your prices, and collect more coins, join the #coincollectors email community.


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Episode Transcription


Salutations, friend! Welcome to an episode of The Profit Scale! This is the podcast for service-based coaches, consultants and creatives looking to stop living from paycheck to paycheck, pay themselves more, and scale their business beyond the six-figure plateau, all while serving their clients and living in their passion. 

My name is RJ Connell. I am an Income Strategist and I help service-based coaches, consultants and creatives who are running over six-figure businesses, but are not yet seeing the financial freedom they are craving! I help them stop living from paycheck to paycheck, pay themselves more, and even have money leftover to grow their business! My specialties are pricing, profitability and customer retention. If you are looking to collect more coins, stop dropping coins, and grow your business sustainably, you — my friend, are in the right place!

Friend, I am so thrilled about all the goodness that is yet to come, and I want to make sure that you are just as excited as I am about our weekly conversations.

That being said, I want to tell you exactly what you can expect in the upcoming episodes so that you will know how the time you and I spend together in our weekly conversations is going to translate into coins in your pocket! I am going to share with you how to know if this podcast is for you, and four things that you can expect from the content weekly. Sounds good? Great, let’s get started!


Episode Content


1. You are living from paycheck to paycheck while your business is earning over six figures.

Friend, if you have hit the over the six-figure mark, then you are doing something right! Yet, you are probably starting to realize just what Biggie Meant in 90’s Mo’ Money, Mo’ problems. Am I right?

As your business is growing, you are likely becoming aware that contrary to popular belief, more money does not solve your problems. Managing the flow of funds, also known as your cash flow, in your growing business is a big challenge and essential skill.

There is nothing more frustrating than waiting for your clients to pay their invoices, so you can pay yourself. How about knowing that the money coming into the business account is spent before it even gets there, or failing to correctly budget for taxes and getting slapped with a huge tax bill at the end of the year? Wooo, that one hurts, trust me!

Part of why you started this business was for financial freedom, so our weekly conversations are going to help you ensure that your business finances support the freedom you deserve.


2. You are working more than sixty hours a week and underpaying yourself.


Let’s be honest with each other. You did not start this business so you could replace the corporate handcuffs with a golden pair engraved with the words “entrepreneur,” did you?

Your freedom over your time, peace of mind, ability to actually take vacations, be out of your business, and still have your business generate income for you is just as important as your financial freedom.

As a service-based business, it is easy to think that the only way to create that freedom over your time is through creating and selling digital courses. While that is a great way to serve your clients, it is not the only way.

You can run a profitable, thriving business you love that gives you freedom over your time, finances and choice, all while providing a service. This is the place to learn how!

So when you show up for our conversations, we are going to get that in check and use specialized strategies that will eventually help you work the hours you want to work and pay yourself accordingly.


3. You have hit a cap with how many clients you can serve.


You are booked solid and maybe you are even turning clients away or adding them to a waitlist that grows faster than you can make space to serve. 

While you are happy that attracting clients is no longer a challenge for you, you have no idea how to continue growing if you cannot take any more clients.

Sounds familiar? Well, even as a service-based business, it is possible to continue growing your revenue without turning to digital courses.

Some of the strategies we are going to cover are going to help you learn what scaling looks like for your individual business, because there is no one-size-fits-all method.


4. You have a huge vision for your business.


Every entrepreneur has goals, but not every entrepreneur has a vision! This podcast is for you if you have a vision for your business — and not just any old vision, but a massive one!

Let’s say you are a doula or a home birthing coach and your vision might be “to make every home the hospital that new moms need.” If you are a financial coach, your vision could be to “make debt-free living easy and accessible for everyone.” These are just some examples. Your vision might be even bigger than what I have mentioned here.

You may be thinking about the difference between vision and goals. Well, a goal is a one-time accomplishment. It is an achievement that once you hit, you check off your list. When you set a goal, you focus on what you need to do in order to achieve it. On the other hand, a vision is a destination. It is a clearly imagined future that you are on a continuous journey getting closer to. When you have a vision, you focus on who you need to be and less on what you need to do in order to move closer to your destination. 

In short, goals require you to “do” while vision requires you to become. You will hear a lot more about the power of vision in our weekly conversations. For now, picture where you want your business to be in 10, 15 or 20 years down the road.

If that picture is scary and massive, then I’m talking to you. If you are struggling to envision your business that far down the road or the picture that comes to mind for you is smaller than you want it to be, then you — my friend, are in the right place!


Now that you know this is the podcast for you, here’s what you can expect when you invest your time and show up for our weekly conversations!


1. Conversations that challenge you.


There is no growth inside your comfort zone, so you can expect that our conversations are gonna challenge you and push you into healthy discomfort.


2. Strategies to help you grow your business from the inside.


When you think about growing your business, the first thing that comes to mind might be sales. Although sales is a necessary part of sustaining and growing your business, it is not the only part. 

This podcast is going to discuss the less talked about strategies that support your business growth. More specifically, we are focusing on your pricing strategy, customer retention plan, cash flow management, and making sure you have profit margins to grow and not just sustain your business.

We are taking a whole new approach to scaling, and as a service-based business owner, you are going to want to be here for it! 


3. Helping you to start thinking like a CEO and not only an employee in your business.


Do you remember that we talked about having a vision? Well, that vision for your business is your responsibility! It means no more playing small and no more leaving coins on the table! You need to be in the business of collecting coins and not dropping them because you have things to do, places to be, and a vision to manifest.

As an avid podcast listener myself, I know that there are so many good podcasts out there that deliver amazing and effective strategies to help you start, build and grow your business. What I hear less often is how to transition yourself from employee to CEO as those strategies begin to work, and you begin to grow. There becomes a necessity to work on the business — not only in it, and this is the place where we are going to talk about what that looks like.

Friend, I am so excited to spend this time with you every Monday! I don’t want you to miss a single episode, so no matter what platform you are listening to the podcast on, go ahead and hit subscribe to the podcast, so you will be notified as soon as an episode drops each week.

Before I sign off, there is one more thing you should know about me and that is — I don’t do free! I am an Income Strategist which means I am quite literally in the business of collecting coins. Thus, I don’t do free unless it is for children or charity.

That being said, that same principle applies to this podcast! Although there is no cost to be a part of this community, the investment in your time, and your perspective, the concepts we discuss on a weekly basis will likely challenge your way of thinking and push you out of your comfort zone.

So I am asking you to invest an open mind and your time. Come ready to learn, engage and ultimately collect those coins!